Groups and Permissions
Command Description Permission
/addgroup <group>
Adds a new group to the groups list.
/addparent <target_group> <parent_group>
Adds a group to another group inheritance list.
/defgroup <group> [world]
Allows you to set default group.
Allows you to find permissions for a specific plugin.
Shows a list of all groups.
/grpinfo <group> [world]
Shows info about a group.
/listgperms <group> <page> [world]
Shows a list of all permissions from a group.
/listuperms <player> <page> [world]
Shows a list of all permissions from a user.
Shows info about PurePerms.
/ppsudo <login / register>
Registers or logs into your Noeul account.
Reloads all PurePerms configurations.
/rmgroup <group>
Removes a group from the groups list.
/rmparent <target_group> <parent_group>
Removes a group from another group inheritance list.
/setgperm <group> <permission> [world]
Adds a permission to the group.
/setgroup <player> <group> [world]
Sets group for the user.
/setuperm <player> <permission> [world]
Adds a permission to the user.
/unsetgperm <group> <permission> [world]
Removes a permission from the group.
/unsetuperm <player> <permission> [world]
Removes a permission from the user.
/usrinfo <player> [world]
Shows info about a user.