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Using MultiWorlds

All MultiWorld commands starts with /mw (/multiworld) except for the /gamerule command that was added as an alias to change game rules from settings.

In game, you can get list of all commands using commands /mw help

All MultiWorld Commands:

/mw help Displays list of all MultiWorld commands

Alias: /mw ?
Usage: /mw help <page: 0-1>
/mw create Generate new world using seed and generator

Aliases: /mw new/mw generate
Usage: /mw create <levelName> [seed] [generator]

Seed is value seed is the initial value by which the world is generated, when you set it empty, world will be generated by random number. You can use 6 generators (NormalNetherEndVoidSkyBock and Nether_Old = Nether generator without glowstone and quartz ore)
/mw teleport Teleports you or selected player to world spawn

Aliases: /mw tp/tp move
Usage: /mw tp <levelName> [player]

If you are using Slapper plugin and after you click on the npc you want to move the player to another world, you can use /slapper edit <id> addcommand mw tp <world> {player} command
/mw list Displays list of all levels

Alias: /mw ls
Usage: /mw list
/mw info Displays level information

Alias: /mw i
Usage: /mw info

This command can be used only in game
/mw delete Remove level

Aliases: /mw del/mw dl/mw remove/mw rm
Usage: /mw remove <level>

Default level can not be deleted
/mw update Change spawn, lobby or default level

Aliases: /mw ue
Usage: `/mw update <spawn
/mw load Loads level

Aliases: /mw ld
Usage: /mw load <level>
/mw unload Unloads level

Aliases: /mw unld
Usage: /mw unload <level>
/mw gamerule Manages with level game rules

Aliases: /gamerule/mw gr/mw gamer/mw grule
Usage: `/gamerule <list
/mw manage Opens form world manager

Aliases: /mw mg/mw mng,
Usage: `/mw manage <list
/mw rename Renames world

Aliases:/mw rnm/mw re
Usage:/mw rename <oldName> <newName>