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Using Signs

You can easily create signs which are executing commands or teleporting players into another world when they tap on them.


  • COMMAND SIGNS Signs executing commands when players tap them
  • TELEPORT SIGNS Signs teleporting players in a specific world when they tap them
  • USABILITY Easy to use and learn


Command Signs

To create a command sign which executes a specific command when a player touches it, just create a sign like this and touch it.

Write the sign like that:

  1. command
  2. anything like a description of the command or leave blank
  3. the first part of the command
  4. the second part of the command

So when you are writing your sign like this, it'll execute the command "help".

  1. command
  2. this is a test description
  3. help
  4. nothing (leave blank)

And when you're writing your sign like that, it'll also execute the command "help".

  1. command
  2. this is a test description
  3. he
  4. lp

🌎 Teleport Signs

To create a world sign which teleports a player to a specific world when he touches and is showing how many players are in the world, just create a sign like this and touch it.

So write the sign like that:

  1. world
  2. the name of the world (e.g. lobby)
  3. anything like a description of the world or leave blank
  4. anything like a description of the world or leave blank