Edit access to your profile page
Your profile page is not visible to other users on Folioz by default except for those in the same institutional space. You can also make it visible to anybody on the Internet.
Per default only the following information is put onto your profile page:
- Your display name (or real name if you do not have a display name)
- Your pages that are visible to the person viewing your profile page
- Your groups
- Your wall
- Your friends
We advise you not to use your profile page as your portfolio because you cannot control who can look at the information you make available on your profile. At minimum it is everybody in your institution or who has an account on Folioz. At maximum it can be everybody online. Always remember to think about your own personal security before releasing contact information on a publicly available page or even just for other Folioz users.
Once you have made your profile page or any portfolio page public, Google and other search engines can index and cache it. Even if you take the public access away at some point, the cached version may still be available online. Pages that are made available via a secret URL are not found by search engines unless you link to them from another page.
Use regular pages to create your portfolio and your profile page as a business card or brief introduction to you without disclosing lots of details.
You can edit your profile page like any other page. You can find more information about editing a page in the page editor.
You can restrict full access to your profile page to the members of your institution if the site administrator allowed that in Administration → Configure site → User settings → Profile access for all registered users.
If you allow only members of your own institution(s) to see your profile page, other users who have an account can only see basic information, e.g. your name, your institution membership and messaging information.