File browser
In the Files area you have a file browser in which you can organise your files so you can find them more easily. You can sort your files into folders and also create subfolders.

Your file browser
Click a file or folder icon and drag and drop it onto a folder to move the file or folder within that folder.
Name: You see all your folders and files that are not in folders listed to access them easily.
When you click on the name of an image, you see a preview of it. You are presented with a download option when you click on another file.
Description / Tags: View the description and tags of your folders or files to know quickly what the content of them is.
If you do not give an image a description, the file name is used as
alt tag
to identify the image when you place it into an image block or display it embedded in text. -
Size: The size of your files and folders is displayed.
Date: The date you created a folder or uploaded a file is shown.
Click the Edit button to edit folder or file properties. Continue with editing a file.
Click the Delete button to delete a file or folder.
A pop-up window requires you to confirm the deletion because you will not be able to recover the file once it is deleted. If you use a file in a journal entry and / or on a page, the warning message tells you that this file is in use elsewhere so that you don’t delete it by accident.
If a folder or file is used in a portfolio that has been submitted, you are not able to edit or delete it.
Click the Download folder content as a zip file link in order to get a zip file which contains all files and folders of the current folder.
Site administrators decide in the Artefact type: File settings for how long the zip file is kept on the server.
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