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Password reset links don't work

If you see an error message about the reset link you get in your email not being valid it could be that it expired or the link might have a space at the end. If you follow the link but you are not given the option to set a new password it could be the browser cookies.

If your browser has not refreshed your cookie information you could be accessing your pages with expired session information. Restarting your browser might clear the old information or you might need to delete the Folioz cookies.

Deleting the cookies will force the browser to create new session cookies and should solve the problem.

Delete cookies in Firefox

In Firefox you can type about:preferences#privacy in the address bar and click on the "Manage Data" button under the "Cookies and Site Data" heading.


Delete cookies in Chrome


Choosing to delete all the cookies will mean that you will probably have to login one more time but this will give updated session information.

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