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Your Overview Page

On the landing page of Portfolio, you can do the following.

Overview page of "Portfolio"

The landing page of your portfolio

  1. Click the Add button to start a new page or collection from scratch.

    A modal opens in which you can choose whether to create a page or collection.

    add page or collection

  2. Click the Copy button to choose an existing page or collection of yours or from another user as basis for a new portfolio.

  3. Search: Type your search term into the search field.

  4. Use the drop-down arrow to limit your search. The available options are:

    • Title, description, tags: Search for your search term in the title, descirption, and tags of your portfolios.
    • Title, description: This is the default option. It searches in the title and description of your portfolios.
    • Tags: Search only within the tags of your portfolios.
  5. Sort by: Decide on the sort order in which you wish to display your portfolios.

    • Alphabetical: Portfolios are displayed in alphabetical order.
    • Date created: List the portfolios in chronologically reverse order with the newest portfolios first.
    • Last modified: Display the portfolios in the order of their last modification with the most recent portfolios that have been changed first. This is the default display option.
    • Last viewed: Show the portfolios in the order in which they were viewed by you and others starting with the most recently viewed portfolios.
    • Most visited: Display the portfolios that have been visited most first in the list.
    • Most feedback: List the portfolios in descending order based on the amount of feedback they have received.

    The search option and the sort order that you choose do not change when you navigate away from the overview page or log out. When you change either setting, that new one will be used until you change it again.

  6. Click the Search button to search your portfolios based on your search term and / or sorting criteria.

  7. Click the Locked icon  or the Unlocked icon  to manage the access to your portfolio.

  8. Collections display the number of pages that they contain.

  9. Click the More options icon  to reach more options for the page or collection.

  10. If you are on a computer, you can hover over the title of a portfolio and see it in its full length if it needed to be shortened.

  11. Dashboard page: Click the More options icon  to make changes to your dashboard page. You cannot delete your dashboard page though.

  12. Profile page: Click the More options icon  to make changes to your profile page. You cannot delete your profile page, but you can decide on different sharing options.

  13. When you submitted a portfolio to a group, you cannot change a great number of the page’s content or delete it until the page is released again. It is displayed with a different colored background to differentiate it quickly from non-submitted portfolios.

  14. Click the Show more button to display more portfolios.

Icons on the overview page

The page and collection information boxes display a number of icons, which are described in more detail here.

Share your portfolio with others

If you have not yet shared your portfolio with somebody else, you see the Locked icon .

Ready to share your portfolio with others

Ready to share your portfolio with others

  1. Click the Locked icon  to start sharing your portfolio.
  2. The icon turns into a downwards facing menu chevron . A drop-down menu opens.
  3. Click the Manage access option to share your portfolio with others on the site. You are taken to the Edit access screen where you can choose with whom to share your portfolio.
  4. Click the Manage secret URLs option to create a secret URL for your portfolio. You are taken to the Secret URLs screen where you can set up one or more secret URLs.

Review existing sharing permissions

If you already shared your portfolio with others, you see the Unlocked icon .

Review with whom you already shared your portfolio

Review with whom you already shared your portfolio

  1. Click the Unlocked icon  to see with whom you have already shared your portfolio.
  2. The icon turns into a downwards facing menu chevron . A drop-down menu opens.
  3. Click the Manage access option to edit the existing sharing settings for your portfolio. You are taken to the Edit access screen where you can choose with whom to share your portfolio.
  4. Click the Manage secret URLs option to create or edit a secret URL for your portfolio. You are taken to the Secret URLs screen where you can set up one or more secret URLs.
  5. Friends: If you shared your portfolio with all your friends.
  6. Registered users: If you gave all people with an account on Folioz instance access to your portfolio.
  7. Public: If you made your portfolio available to everyone on the internet.
  8. Name of a person: If you shared your portfolio with a specific person.
  9. Group name (Submitted): If you submitted this portfolio to a group.
  10. Group name (Admin / Members / Tutors): If you shared your portfolio with only a certain type of group members in that group.
  11. Group name: If you shared your portfolio with an entire group.
  12. Institution name: If you shared your portfolio with all people in your institution.
  13. Secret URL: If you set up a secret URL for your portfolio.
  14. The drop-down menu has a scrollbar so you can view all people or groups of people with whom you shared your portfolio.

Start or end dates or whether copying is allowed are not displayed in the drop-down menu. You need to go to the Share screen to see that additional information.

Access pages within a collection

You can view how many pages are part of a collection and what their titles are by clicking the Pages icon .

View a list of pages within a collection

View a list of pages within a collection

  1. Click the Pages icon .

    collection pages icons

    The icon depends on how many pages are in your collection:

    • 0-2: One sheet of paper.
    • 3-10: Two stacked sheets of paper.
    • 11 or more: Three stacked sheets of paper.
  2. The icon turns into a downwards facing menu chevron . A drop-down menu opens.

  3. If you have a SmartEvidence collection, you see that listed first with the SmartEvidence page icon .

  4. All other pages are are listed with the Single page icon .

  5. Click the page you want to view.

More options

You can find additional options for pages or collections via the More options icon .

More options for pages and collections

More options for pages and collections

  1. Click the More options icon  to see additional editing options.

  2. The icon turns into a downwards facing menu chevron . A drop-down menu opens.

  3. If you view the options for a collection, click Manage  to add or remove pages from your collection.

  4. Click Edit  to edit the general information of a page or collection such as title, description, and tags.

  5. Click Delete  to delete the page or delete the collection.

    If you delete a collection, the pages and artefacts within it are not deleted.

  6. Created: The date and time when you set up the page or collection.

  7. Modified: The last time you made a change to the page or collection.

If you submitted a portfolio, you cannot edit or delete the page or collection until it has been released. Therefore, you don’t see those options anymore. However, you see when you submitted the portfolio to which group.

See submitted date and group

See submitted date and group