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Share Overview

You can set the access permissions on the Edit access page. It is accessible via Portfolio → Shared by me or directly from the page editor when you edit a portfolio page.

The Share overview page shows you the following.

Share overview page

Share overview page

  1. Decide whether you want to change sharing permissions for a collection or a page.
  2. Collection name (or Page title): Your collections / pages are sorted alphabetically.
  3. Access list: The list of users, groups or institutions who have access to a particular collection or page.
  4. Edit access: The Edit access icon  next to each collection or page allows you to change the permission of who can view a page or collection.
  5. Secret URLs: The Secret URL edit icon  next to each collection or page allows you to set up one or more secret URLs for a page or collection. The number of secret URLs that you have generated is displayed next to the icon.